Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 8, 9, and 10 21DSD and Everything matters

by Crystal Fedele

So I kind of slacked on this blog for day 8 and 9 and I have to admit it is because I just wasn't thinking about the detox! I was just eating food and enjoying not having any cravings. I have been very deep in thought though... As usual with any detox you start to see very clearly what other challenges you can overcome next.  I am a total planner and a guilty partaker in the "I'll be happy when" and "just get through the day" concepts. In my thoughts of changing my habits I came across a very helpful author and I thought I'd share a quote.

“What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.” 
― Gretchen RubinThe Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun

To me this is a very important reminder when it comes to everything but, relevant to the sugar detox, very appropriate for overcoming food habits. We start on this really great path moving forward toward a destination (in this case health.) Every day we slide just a tiny bit to the left or right. It doesn't seem like much- maybe just a nibble of the wrong thing. But over a year after 365 days of little detours from our path we find ourselves in a COMPLETELY different destination. Then we have to find the way back to that path we first started on and, for some of us, could take a very long time.

So in conclusion, what you choose today DOES matter no matter how small. Whether it is a food, a phone call, a conversation, a good dead or an hour of sleep.

Live each day letting everything you do matter.

Half-way through the detox folks!!! Totally excited!!!

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