Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How to Make a Roasted Red Beet Salad

Red beets are right at the top my list of foods that everyone should aim to eat at least a few times a week. Per ounce, few other foods are as dense in nutrients that prevent cardiovascular disease, all types of cancer, and neurological damage associated with high homocysteine levels.

Red beets are especially rich in folate, which is why they are useful for lowering blood homocysteine and reducing risk of birth defects.
If you have a problem with constipation, red beets and their green tops are likely to provide significant relief. Both are rich in fiber that can help keep waste materials moving through your gastrointestinal tract at a healthy pace.
Red beets are abundant in potassium and magnesium, while beet greens are an excellent source of beta-carotene, iron, and calcium. All of these nutrients are essential to maintaining the health of your digestive tract lining and the smooth muscle fibers that create the waves of contractions within your colon to produce bowel movements.

We hope you enjoy!