Thursday, November 19, 2015

21DSD Days 13-17 Catching the Stride and Boredom Prevention

As the days rolled in to week #2 of the 21 Day Sugar Detox I noticed a significant decrease in the "panic" about food. I'm able to go in the grocery store to pick up some grassfed beef and eggs without glancing at the other aisles in longing and I can pack the kids lunches without having to remind myself not to just pop a raspberry in my mouth. 

My goals for this program were exactly these goals. I don't think I ever shared my list of goals for this 21 days so I'd though I share now:

1. Regain the ability to not let my life revolve around food
2. Find Healthier ways to manage stress
3. Lose body fat (I've gained 10 pounds since my finish of the 90 day candida cleanse almost 3 years ago)
4. Establish meal planning routines 

As I type this on the morning of Day 18, I feel very accomplished. I have definitely acheived all of these goals (Except the weight thing- 2 ounds left to go!) 

The only problem with the "home stretch" of the detox is that you start to get bored of the food. Even with the recipe abundance I am finding myself eating a ton of eggs and grassfed burgers with greens because it is easy and fast. THAT is an old habit that I really want to re-wire, because it ends up sliding me back in to looking for convenience foods instead of preparing food. So I am forcing myself to try some brand new recipes over the last 4 days of this cleanse. I will share the successes with you in the upcoming... 

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