Saturday, November 7, 2015

21DSD Day 5 Surviving Friday

by Crystal Fedele, AP, DOM

As I've scooted along the week in a lovely, streamlined routine I've come to realize the hardest part of the 21DSD yet.... Friday. Why Friday??? We love weekends right?! Well, this is the day all the food runs out that you prepared for the week.  This is the day you would normally have a glass of wine to decompress. It's date night, pizza night, movies and popcorn night. Oh crap.

In the audio support of the 21DSD program, Diane talks about having to reboot the planning. I felt really good dumping the office refrigerator so I could refill it with fresh foods, but when I got home and looked in my kitchen I have to admit I had a minor panic attack. There's nothing for me to eat ANYWHERE!!!!

So I took a deep breath.. I got a glass of water...the last little bit of Paleo pulled pork (even though I ate it for lunch) and sat down with all of my cookbooks and a paper and pen while my family ate take-out pizza. Then I prepared my 8pm on Friday night trip to the grocery store. (Note: This will not be the norm!)

This was going to be tough. I am going to the store stressed and hungry in a time frame I would normally be shoving large amounts of horrible foods. So I called my mom. She said she would go with me, because she needed to learn how to buy the things I buy. Whew!!! I knew I wouldn't buy cheat foods now!

We both agreed that we would stick to our (3 times re-written) lists. It wasn't so bad. It really wasn't. We roamed through the store thinking about all of the things we are improving by eating this way. I did not freak out at the grocery store. I might have actually felt relaxed.

What did I do when I got home. Ate a granny smith apple with almond butter and watched "The Big Bang Theory" with my husband.

I've decided I'd like to share a recipe for you that can make your Mon-Fri breakfast easier because there is nothing like having something to look forward to in the morning.

Vanilla Bean N'oatmeal

On to the weekend......

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