Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why the Candida Cure? (Dawn)

For most of my adult life I have been know as the "health nut."  I bought organic, unprocessed  whole foods as much as possible and ate out less than the average bear.  As long as I exercised regularly my weight always  hung out around 133 lbs even after 5 pregnancies and 12 years of nursing. I had lots of energy to run marathons and triathlons and keep up with my 5 kids. By the time I had turned 50 I had gone through menopause and some major changes in my life that had increased my emotional and physical stress.  But as most of us do, I kept pushing through thinking I could handle my stressful lifestyle.  I stopped exercising regularly, ate more junk and drank alcohol on a regular basis. Overall I still ate a much healthier diet than most but I was still eating way too many grains, breads, desserts and not eating regularly. Over the past 5 years I have felt increasingly less energy, loss muscle mass, and find my weight fluctuates between 133- 142 lbs depending on how stressed I am. I have also developed some digestive issues. 

Owning a business, taking care of a family and trying to find time to cook, exercise and meditate has been a challenge. The more stress I am under the more carbs and sugars I crave and consume which just creates an emotional roller coaster. I feel less energetic, more irritable which just makes me eat more of the wrong foods. In May, I decided it was time to end this cycle so I did a sugar, dairy, gluten free cleanse  for 6 weeks and was  at how my digestion and energy levels improved and my weight stayed around 135lbs. My cravings were gone and I started exercising more regularly even though I still didnt have as much energy as I felt I should.  Then in July and a couple of vacations later I was back to craving the chips and desserts and was enjoying my food way too much.  I had gained 5 lbs again!! 

I have been sharing the Candida Cure by Ann Boroch with many of my patients.  I have studied her books among many other nutrition books and truly  believe that following her diet plan is one of the best ways to heal many of the health challenges that most people are struggling with.  Food is our first medicine!  This diet promotes healthy digestion, decreased inflammation, regulates blood sugar and decreases cravings and balances mood swings.

  It is time for me to make the commitment to myself again! My goal is to loose at least 5 lbs, heal my digestive track and have the energy I used to have.  I have not only committed to this diet for as long as it takes but to exercise 6 days a week and mediate daily for 15 minutes.  I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you- the ups and downs, the good days and bad days, the struggles and successes. I am thankful that I have my friend and business partner Crystal to share this commitment with.  Its always helpful to have a buddy to  share support and accountability. It was a successful day of no sugar, low carbs (no chips!!), 15 minutes meditation, 15 minute interval run and 1st of the 30 day ab challenge completed!! YAY!! 

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