The after picture below was taken April 2, 2013 after I had completed a 90 day candida cleanse. I've been on every diet imaginable and could never get below 185 pounds. My highest weight was 235.
I started out on January 7th and was 197 pounds. After several children and turning 30, my body started to react in other ways to my poor food choices as well. I developed chronic skin infections, fatigue, anxiety, PMS and psoriasis. I knew something needed to change drastically. Within my research, I knew Candida Albicens was a consistent cause for disease in a lot of my patients with the same difficulties, so I started to look in to it more. Many books later, the 90 day program in "The Candida Cure" by Ann Boroch fit the model of holistic medicine the best and I committed to 90 days.
I got great results with this. For the first time ever I broke food addictions, lost weight and had control over my hunger and energy levels. It didn't come without some less amazing things though. The emotional detox from all of the sugar and processed food came out with a vengeance, as if every bad experience that I had ever covered up with food was flying out in to my blood stream. I learned a lot about my habits and how dishonest I was being with myself.
After the 90 days were completed, I stayed within many of the confines of the diet. I didn't add in gluten or dairy and managed to stay away from refined sugar. Still, I knew I wasn't finished. The skin problems haven't been completely alleviated, although much improved. I have 25 more pounds to lose and haven't been losing weight for the past 2 months. I still rely on food as emotional support. I also did not do the detoxification supplements and anti fungals as recommended in the book and don't believe I received the full health benefits. SO... it's time to do it again. Ready. Set. Here we go....
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