Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day 2 Feeling Good!

by Dawn Share, Ap, DOM

I have to say I am not as prepared as Crystal but I am as committed! I have kept my food choices simple today. Breakfast consisted of 2 soft boiled eggs with olive oil, sea salt, two slices of organic turkey with organic mustard.

I was a little heavy on the protein and fats but felt like that was what my body needed after a 20 minute hard interval bike ride. Lunch was a fabulous Brussel Sprout Slaw from and leftover crustless quiche. Dinner was delicious creamy butternut squash soup. I had baked the squash the night before and put in the blender tonight with a can of full fat coconut milk, ginger, garlic and pink salt. Blend and heat. Yummy with some sautéed greens on the side.

I don't crave the sweets as much as the "crunchies" so yesterday I made a paleo "cracker" from almond meal, butter, and salt. (Left out the honey from the original recipe). My problem is once I start snacking I wont stop. So I have decided to give myself some limitations:
1) Do not have paleo crackers as an option even though they are on the allowed foods on the 21 Day Sugar Detox. Celery and carrot sticks will have to be my new "crunchies!"
2) DO NOT eat after 7 pm! If I don't allow myself in the kitchen after dinner I wont be tempted to have a little snack that turns into a very large snack! I am an all or none kind of girl! (Crystal helped me bring in my 58th birthday with a bag of Organic peanut butter cups last week, that were gone by the end of the day, without the help of any of my coworkers!)

But truly for the most part I don't eat unhealthy foods. My problem is I have been over eating the good stuff and thats not good either. Overeating, eating late or having snacks after dinner affects my digestion, sleep and mood! This is where my struggles lie.
I do miss my stevia in my one cup of Bulletproof Coffee. Diane has planned this detox to really stop the sugar cravings and including "non sugar"sweeteners would still feed the sweet tooth. So no stevia, xylitol or raw honey are allowed.

Well I am happy to say I have not felt the need to snack tonight. My plan is to get in bed by 9:30 so that I have less time to crave the snack and get my 8 hours sleep in. Did you know that adequate sleep helps keeps your hormones functioning properly? Ghrelin is the hormone that tells your body you need to eat. If you aren't getting enough sleep you will have more ghrelin. The opposing hormone that tells you to stop eating, called leptin decreases when you are sleep deprived. Not eating 2-3 hours before going to bed and getting 7-8 hrs sleep will have positive impact on my overeating. Sweet dreams! 

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