Thursday, November 19, 2015

21DSD Days 13-17 Catching the Stride and Boredom Prevention

As the days rolled in to week #2 of the 21 Day Sugar Detox I noticed a significant decrease in the "panic" about food. I'm able to go in the grocery store to pick up some grassfed beef and eggs without glancing at the other aisles in longing and I can pack the kids lunches without having to remind myself not to just pop a raspberry in my mouth. 

My goals for this program were exactly these goals. I don't think I ever shared my list of goals for this 21 days so I'd though I share now:

1. Regain the ability to not let my life revolve around food
2. Find Healthier ways to manage stress
3. Lose body fat (I've gained 10 pounds since my finish of the 90 day candida cleanse almost 3 years ago)
4. Establish meal planning routines 

As I type this on the morning of Day 18, I feel very accomplished. I have definitely acheived all of these goals (Except the weight thing- 2 ounds left to go!) 

The only problem with the "home stretch" of the detox is that you start to get bored of the food. Even with the recipe abundance I am finding myself eating a ton of eggs and grassfed burgers with greens because it is easy and fast. THAT is an old habit that I really want to re-wire, because it ends up sliding me back in to looking for convenience foods instead of preparing food. So I am forcing myself to try some brand new recipes over the last 4 days of this cleanse. I will share the successes with you in the upcoming... 

Friday, November 13, 2015

21DSD Day 11 and 12- The Desire to Clean out EVERYTHING

by Crystal Fedele

     There is no doubt that as you become more "clean" you have an insatiable desire to clean out all of the components in your life. This, for me, has been especially true about clutter. ALL clutter! I've somehow become acutely aware of every tiny thing out of place. Today, Dawn and I busted through some heavy duty office inventory and organizing and I just couldn't stop until it was done. As I feel less overwhelmed by food, I turn attention to all of the other things that could be causing stress and toxicity. The ugly truth is I've been ignoring quite a bit.

In the last several days I have found so many lost items and every time I organize one thing, I see the intricate layers that hide underneath.

The same occurs with emotions. I remember this about day 11 last time I did a food detox. As I got towards the middle of the cleanse, more and more emotions started to become present that had been covered up with food over the years. Without that instant indulgence, I am forced to stare at the emotions right in the eye. Emotions I don't like.

As I continue to move through the mind clutter I am starting to indulge myself in "food for the soul." I'm exploring new blogs and writings about living healthy and happy and I'm learning to create a quiet space in my mind. I've limited social media and television. I can finally see some peace peaking through.... like that little area of floor just visible through all the Legos.

There is still much work to be done, but as it stands I know I am much more equipped now that I am not constantly thinking about what I am going to eat. Simple is sustainable.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 8, 9, and 10 21DSD and Everything matters

by Crystal Fedele

So I kind of slacked on this blog for day 8 and 9 and I have to admit it is because I just wasn't thinking about the detox! I was just eating food and enjoying not having any cravings. I have been very deep in thought though... As usual with any detox you start to see very clearly what other challenges you can overcome next.  I am a total planner and a guilty partaker in the "I'll be happy when" and "just get through the day" concepts. In my thoughts of changing my habits I came across a very helpful author and I thought I'd share a quote.

“What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.” 
― Gretchen RubinThe Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun

To me this is a very important reminder when it comes to everything but, relevant to the sugar detox, very appropriate for overcoming food habits. We start on this really great path moving forward toward a destination (in this case health.) Every day we slide just a tiny bit to the left or right. It doesn't seem like much- maybe just a nibble of the wrong thing. But over a year after 365 days of little detours from our path we find ourselves in a COMPLETELY different destination. Then we have to find the way back to that path we first started on and, for some of us, could take a very long time.

So in conclusion, what you choose today DOES matter no matter how small. Whether it is a food, a phone call, a conversation, a good dead or an hour of sleep.

Live each day letting everything you do matter.

Half-way through the detox folks!!! Totally excited!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

21DSD Day 6 and 12 Foods I can't live without

by Crystal Fedele

As with this whole detox program, planning has become super important. There are no convenience foods, but there are definitely some items I panic a little if I don't have. There is no order here, but I thought I'd share the twelve foods I NEVER let myself run out of.

1. Almond Butter

This is, without a doubt, my favorite food on the yes list. Once you have eliminated sugar, this stuff tastes like ice cream and chocolate. I put it on the Pumpkin Pancakes, slices of apple, and green tipped bananas. I use it in sauces and sometimes just eat it out of the jar. I NEVER run out. (I buy this in bulk.)

2. Eggs

Not only are eggs contained in many Paleo-friendly recipes, eggs can be a hunger-soothing meal in about 5 minutes and go with almost any vegetable. My favorite egg dish is spinach, red pepper, onions and ground turkey scramble.

3. Granny Smith Apples

This is my reward at the end of the day. It's also how I make my green smoothies. No question these are an amazing thing to have on hand.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the base of most cooking and works amazingly well as a seasoning too. You can't cook veggies or meats without something to put in the pan, so I recommend not running out of this.

5. Baby Spinach

This vegetable is great steamed or mixed in with stews, eggs, etc but is also the easiest to cover up! Therefor, it is a staple green smoothie ingredient

6. Cucumbers

I am in love with the cold noodle cucumber salad and also the cooling effect that cucumbers have on smoothies. It's a wonderful way to add texture to salads and to use even as the bread in tiny sandwiches.

7. Coffee

Anyone who knows me is aware that I can't live without coffee. Strong brewed and organic, of course.

8. Almond Milk

TO PUT IN THE COFFEE!!! Also required for most Paleo baking and smoothies.

9. Limes

Smoothies, salad dressings, water enhancements (LOVE Perrier and lime)and stir fry.

10. Ground Turkey

Quick and easy to cook to make lettuce wrapped tacos or mixed with nutritional yeast to make meatballs or just plain ole' Turkey Burgers. Super satisfying and easy to work with.

11. Chicken Breast

Once you've made chicken it can turn in to so many other things by using it in different formats. One of my favorites is chicken salad lettuce wraps. In my house we just keep chicken cooking daily.

12. Jalapenos

I just think everything tastes better spicy.

Please feel free to comment below on the Paleo foods you can't live without. Have a great weekend!

Cold Cucumber Salad with sesame-lemon-ginger dressing and red pepper flakes. 

21DSD Day 5 Surviving Friday

by Crystal Fedele, AP, DOM

As I've scooted along the week in a lovely, streamlined routine I've come to realize the hardest part of the 21DSD yet.... Friday. Why Friday??? We love weekends right?! Well, this is the day all the food runs out that you prepared for the week.  This is the day you would normally have a glass of wine to decompress. It's date night, pizza night, movies and popcorn night. Oh crap.

In the audio support of the 21DSD program, Diane talks about having to reboot the planning. I felt really good dumping the office refrigerator so I could refill it with fresh foods, but when I got home and looked in my kitchen I have to admit I had a minor panic attack. There's nothing for me to eat ANYWHERE!!!!

So I took a deep breath.. I got a glass of water...the last little bit of Paleo pulled pork (even though I ate it for lunch) and sat down with all of my cookbooks and a paper and pen while my family ate take-out pizza. Then I prepared my 8pm on Friday night trip to the grocery store. (Note: This will not be the norm!)

This was going to be tough. I am going to the store stressed and hungry in a time frame I would normally be shoving large amounts of horrible foods. So I called my mom. She said she would go with me, because she needed to learn how to buy the things I buy. Whew!!! I knew I wouldn't buy cheat foods now!

We both agreed that we would stick to our (3 times re-written) lists. It wasn't so bad. It really wasn't. We roamed through the store thinking about all of the things we are improving by eating this way. I did not freak out at the grocery store. I might have actually felt relaxed.

What did I do when I got home. Ate a granny smith apple with almond butter and watched "The Big Bang Theory" with my husband.

I've decided I'd like to share a recipe for you that can make your Mon-Fri breakfast easier because there is nothing like having something to look forward to in the morning.

Vanilla Bean N'oatmeal

On to the weekend......

Friday, November 6, 2015

21DSD Day 4 You REALLY love me!

by Crystal Fedele

I have to hand it to my husband. This is a ton easier ion me because of him. You will see many of my posts involving creative recipes that he has modified to be 21DSD friendly. Not only did make a completely sugar free "barbeque" pork, he brought it to me at work.

I can't help but emphasize here how much having the people around you supporting you is, especially when making lifestyle changes that you want to be long term. My whole office is extremely supportive and even my Mom is doing this with me. If this is something you are thinking of doing, I seriously suggest a "detox buddy" and at the very least let everyone know not to shove junk food in your face.

I will be posting the pork recipe in a future blog, but for the mean time I will just share the secret...
Granny Smith Apples and Cinnamon!!! Who knew?!

On day 4 I also discovered that I am already decreasing body fat and reducing my coffee intake. Both of these are positives I didn't expect so soon, so they are nice suprises. I also successfully denied the offerings of wine an ice cream, which may have previously been a big problem.

I'm looking FORWARD to day 5!!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

21DSD Day 3 Spicy is the new Sweet

by Crystal Fedele, AP, DOM

Today was the first day I ventured out of the office and I am soooo glad I remembered packing walnuts and pecans in my purse. I had to drive an hour away and the car rides are definitely trigger moments. Between the boredom and the passing hundreds of restaurants, this can be a real diet challenge. I remember this from the last food challenge I did, so was thankfully pleasantly satisfied with the crunchy bits of heaven.

I got home this evening to this wonderful masterpiece.....
It is a bacon-wrapped chili-chicken roll. It is amazing... and gone. My husband put fresh spicy red chilies that a friend gave me from her garden inside a chicken breast and baked it wrapped in bacon, He did this before with asparagus and this is even better because it made the whole chicken breast spicy. Note: Don't eat the hot peppers. They hurt.

As for the rest of the day....
Breakfast: Leftover pumpkin pancakes with almond butter
Lunch: Paleo meatballs with dijon mustard (left for me in the fridge yesterday evening)
Snacks: Nuts, Nuts, Nuts

I realize today I didn't eat enough vegetables. We will have to kick the nutrients up tomorrow!

Also, my copy of the 21DSD Cookbook arrived and I am so excited. I see some garlic shrimp "scampi" in my future... well, maybe in my husband's future. :)

Day 2 Feeling Good!

by Dawn Share, Ap, DOM

I have to say I am not as prepared as Crystal but I am as committed! I have kept my food choices simple today. Breakfast consisted of 2 soft boiled eggs with olive oil, sea salt, two slices of organic turkey with organic mustard.

I was a little heavy on the protein and fats but felt like that was what my body needed after a 20 minute hard interval bike ride. Lunch was a fabulous Brussel Sprout Slaw from and leftover crustless quiche. Dinner was delicious creamy butternut squash soup. I had baked the squash the night before and put in the blender tonight with a can of full fat coconut milk, ginger, garlic and pink salt. Blend and heat. Yummy with some sautéed greens on the side.

I don't crave the sweets as much as the "crunchies" so yesterday I made a paleo "cracker" from almond meal, butter, and salt. (Left out the honey from the original recipe). My problem is once I start snacking I wont stop. So I have decided to give myself some limitations:
1) Do not have paleo crackers as an option even though they are on the allowed foods on the 21 Day Sugar Detox. Celery and carrot sticks will have to be my new "crunchies!"
2) DO NOT eat after 7 pm! If I don't allow myself in the kitchen after dinner I wont be tempted to have a little snack that turns into a very large snack! I am an all or none kind of girl! (Crystal helped me bring in my 58th birthday with a bag of Organic peanut butter cups last week, that were gone by the end of the day, without the help of any of my coworkers!)

But truly for the most part I don't eat unhealthy foods. My problem is I have been over eating the good stuff and thats not good either. Overeating, eating late or having snacks after dinner affects my digestion, sleep and mood! This is where my struggles lie.
I do miss my stevia in my one cup of Bulletproof Coffee. Diane has planned this detox to really stop the sugar cravings and including "non sugar"sweeteners would still feed the sweet tooth. So no stevia, xylitol or raw honey are allowed.

Well I am happy to say I have not felt the need to snack tonight. My plan is to get in bed by 9:30 so that I have less time to crave the snack and get my 8 hours sleep in. Did you know that adequate sleep helps keeps your hormones functioning properly? Ghrelin is the hormone that tells your body you need to eat. If you aren't getting enough sleep you will have more ghrelin. The opposing hormone that tells you to stop eating, called leptin decreases when you are sleep deprived. Not eating 2-3 hours before going to bed and getting 7-8 hrs sleep will have positive impact on my overeating. Sweet dreams! 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Let's Do This! 21 Day Sugar Detox Day 1

by Crystal Fedele, AP, DOM

I can't say enough positive things about Diane Sanfilippo's 21 Day Sugar Detox. It's Paleo-friendly, super satisfying and structured for emotional eaters (like me!) 

The plan consists of eating real food and plenty of it. You give up sugar, carbs, gluten, wheat and all other things that might drive your blood sugar up and down and by the end can kick your carb habit and have decreased the inflammation in your body. It is appropriate in different variations for all people with all types of dietary needs. (Pregnant and Breastfeeding Moms too!) 

This isn't my first rodeo, but getting back on the horse can be just as emotionally and physically challenging as being a newbie. 
So I decided to keep myself accountable and share this next 21 days with you. 

Let's start with the most important day of the detox... day 0. I've learned over many years of participating in nutritional resets that the only way to have a successful day 1 is to have a successful day 0. This day is basically spent entirely in 3 places. The kitchen table with cookbooks, (computer, phone on the toilet, wherever you get inspiration) the grocery store and the kitchen.

I wrote and rewrote the meat plan and the grocery list too. It is important I am not planning an overwhelming task load, so I got my husband (aka the meat cooker) in on it too. 

This time I decided to do the whole online program. It includes meal planning and journal pages as well as grocery lists you can print and Audio tracks to help you through each day. I've included the links at the bottom and I highly suggest that you use these tools. There are tons of free resources on the website and Pinterest site as well. I went ahead and prepared all my tools for the whole 21 days so I wouldn't be able to use time as an excuse.

I also roped in a buddy. My co-owner, Dawn, has always been a much healthier eater than I am and, since we both recommend this program to our patients, she was on board. Plus, I felt bad for giving her a bag of organic peanut butter cups last week. 

Day 1:

I'm writing this at the end of a successful day (as long as I don't go back in the kitchen!) I feel pretty good and haven't really faced many cravings. Thanks to the food prep from yesterday and my husband's crock pot creation, plus both Dawn and I bringing things in, there was not a food deficit. This is necessary when following a strict dietary plan as to not feel deprived or caught searching for the wrong things to eat. 
Breakfast: Crustless Quiche (made the night before with carrots and zucchini)
Lunch: Taco salad with Grass fed beef, homemade seasoning and veggies with salsa and avocado
Snacks: Almonds, Pecans, Cabbage Salad (Thanks Dawn!)

It was really awesome feeling healthy and fulfilled all day. It was also awesome to come home to my husband's fridge clean-out stew.

This was really yummy! Chard, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Onions, Chicken, Tomatoes and love! ❤️

I'm already thinking about tomorrow and had a little bit of extra energy so I made Diane's Pumpkin Pancakes. Good night!
For more information on the 21 Day Sugar Detox please visit