“Research performed on the Himalayan salt shows that the balanced crystalline structure reveals fine branching with no shadows or rough edges. The crystal is not isolated from the inherent mineral elements, but is connected to them in a harmonious state. This tells us that the energy content, in the form of minerals, is balanced and can be easily metabolized by the body. This crystal is full of life. When taken internally or used externally, it will have a vital energetic effect on the body. The result is a net gain for the body and zero energy loss. The result of the above research demonstrates how well developed and vital the crystal of the Himalayan Salt is. It actually has life-generating power for the body and for our nervous system. “(1) Minerals such as Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and iron are all inherent in the Himalayan salt and are released to the skin and muscle tissue during the massage experience.
Each massage is customized to achieve optimal benefit for each individual and the experience will not disappoint. Take time today to try it for yourself and feel the benefits of the Himalayan Salt Stones. Please call to book your appointment at our office 386-872-5757 or feel free to call me at 386-212-2852 with any questions. I look forward to working with you in the near future to assist your body and mind to feel better.
-Ann Lyon, LMT
-Ann Lyon, LMT
(1,) Himalayan Salt Stone Massage, healing Benefits, internet 8/25: http:// himalayansaltstonemassage.com/ about
MM32834 MA 60378
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