Homeopathy & Your Family Series: Part 1 
with Lise M. Battaglia, CCH, HMC, C.GP, C.HP, BFRP
May 14th, 2015 from 6:30-8:00 pm
Home-o-what? The hard- to-pronounce, easiest to use, fastest growing system of Medicine in the world. How it works and how it can help your family.
Since 1799 homeopathy has been saving and improving lives.
Exceptional in epidemics and the support of our children's immune systems: Homeopathy has cured folks of the measles, the flu, meningitis, hpv, the mumps, tetanus, meningitis, typhoid, scarlet fever, polio, cholera, yellow fever and diphtheria to name but a few.
Essential for your first aid kit: These safe, natural, inexpensive, non prescription, remedies help moms stay out of the emergency room, soothe upset tummies, bring down fevers, stop bleeding, and heal bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes. They ease anxiety, nightmares and bed wetting. 400 million people annually count on homeopathy to stimulate self healing.
It is a safe, easy, inexpensive form of medical system on its own or in partnership with conventional medicine. Midwives, nurses, doctors and mom at home, across throughout the world use these remedies at home for simple and uncomplicated events. With the guidance of certified homeopaths millions experience remarkable results in healing from chronic conditions: reverse illnesses, diseases, neurological injury, and side effects of modern life and medicines.
Learn how you can start helping your family with homeopathy.
1st Session:
What is homeopathy? How does it work? Why midwifes and moms across the globe swear by it. Discussion of top remedies for your medicine chest, and
chance to try the worlds #1 remedy for stress, temper tantrums and crises.
Holistic Women and Families will be hosting with Lise M. Battaglia, CCH, HMC, C.GP, C.HP, BFRP, here at our office for the first session in her series "Homeopathy and Your Family."
For 20 years Lise has served as an Integrative Wellness & Health Coach. She is a Certified Homeopath, GAPS Practitioner, Holistic Immunity Educator and Registered Bach Practitioner.
Be sure to mark your calendars for this free seminar , it's one you won't want to miss!
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